Actor, Ime Bishop popularly known as Okon Lagos was attacked by armed robbers in Warri. His wife, Idara Bishop who shared the story on her Instagram page revealed her husband who traveled to Delta state for an event was robbed and all his gadgets and cash taken from him. He pleaded with Nigerians to pray for his safety and colleagues who are with him. Read what she wrote after the cut.. "So pathetic that the more we pray for a better Nigeria,the more things become so sour,few minutes ago,I saw a strange number calling and the voice I heard was my hubby's voice. I was surprised to see him used a strange number to call, I quote him "Baby pray for me,ive just been robbed by Robbery men in warri,and all my gadgets and money have been taken away from me,threatening to kill me also,I'm stranded and the event I'm supposed to attend here, I can't make it anymore,no contact to communicate with anyone for direction,except yours" For the ...